Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Post - Administrative stuff

Thanks for visiting my blog! Before I start reviewing instant noodles, here are a few ground rules:
  1. Since there are many different etymologies to the R-word, I will spell it as per the packaging of the product du jour.  
  2. Although I tend to cook my instant noodles on the more al dente side, I will do my best to follow the cooking directions to the letter.  Also, much to my stomach's chagrin, I won't be adding anything else to the noodles (i.e., egg, green onions, rice).
  3. Everything that is cooked will be consumed, included the soup (much to my arteries' chagrin).  Whether I like it or not.  The only exception is when a cardiovascular threat is imminent, in which case I will document the aftermath after my review.
  4. Each product will be given a score from 1 to 5 (the former being utterly disgusting and the latter being the epitome of food) on the dimensions below.  I'll try to stick with integer values, but I may have to resort to fractions sometimes.
    1. Noodles - in terms of taste, texture, aesthetics, etc.
    2. Soup - same as soup
    3. Extras (flakes, etc) - how well they compliment or hinder the overall experience
    4. Overall taste
    5. Ease of cooking
    6. Stand alone-ability - would one enjoy this as is or does it need something else
    7. Healthiness - relative to other instant foods
    8. Originality - is it like every other brand out there or does it actually have its own identity?
    9. More will be added if I feel that a review is incomplete and needs addition perspective
  5. Finally, this is my own opinion and I'm not looking to convert anyone to anything, except maybe eating more instant noodles.  
Before I go, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou for taking the time to read my ramblings, and I hope that this blog will inspire you to try new things, whether it's trying out a different brand or making a major change in life.

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